Wednesday, September 2, 2009

yet again another disappointment

Im emotionally tired.
Tired of people telling me what I should want.
what i need in my life...
who i should hang around with...
what is good for me...

Listen people, I am going on 21 yrs old and have yet to make any major decisions that could possibly ruin my life...
I think im ok with thinking for myself and doing things my way.

I am going to do what i want in life wether it is approved or not.
I have a good head on my shoulders and know what is good for me.
I know exactly what i need to do to get to where i wanna be in life.
so let me sail through it on my time and stop pushing.

when the time comes im going to be with who makes me most happy.
"Happiness is not a destination, But a way to travel.."
so im going to be with someone who make me hapy on this adventure we call life.
If my decisions do not make you happy then im sorry but NOT my problem:)
so stop pushing people out of my life.

Thanks for your concerns and i know you just want to "protect" me but i dont need it.
im perfectly capable of knowing what im doing and knowing what i want!
