Wednesday, September 2, 2009

yet again another disappointment

Im emotionally tired.
Tired of people telling me what I should want.
what i need in my life...
who i should hang around with...
what is good for me...

Listen people, I am going on 21 yrs old and have yet to make any major decisions that could possibly ruin my life...
I think im ok with thinking for myself and doing things my way.

I am going to do what i want in life wether it is approved or not.
I have a good head on my shoulders and know what is good for me.
I know exactly what i need to do to get to where i wanna be in life.
so let me sail through it on my time and stop pushing.

when the time comes im going to be with who makes me most happy.
"Happiness is not a destination, But a way to travel.."
so im going to be with someone who make me hapy on this adventure we call life.
If my decisions do not make you happy then im sorry but NOT my problem:)
so stop pushing people out of my life.

Thanks for your concerns and i know you just want to "protect" me but i dont need it.
im perfectly capable of knowing what im doing and knowing what i want!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Weeping Willow.

Weeping willow,
With your tears running down.

Why do you always weep and frown?

Is it because he left you one day?

Is it because he could not stay?

On your branches he would swing,
Do you long for the happiness,
That day would bring?

He found shelter in your shade,
You thought his laughter would never fade.

Weeping willow stop your tears,
For there is something to calm your fears.

You think death has ripped you forever apart,
But I know he’ll always be in your heart.

-My Girl

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One Of Those Songs You Can Relate To...



I felt you in my legs
Before I even met you
And when I laid beside you
For the first time
I told you
I feel you in my heart,
And I don't even know you
Now we're saying
Bye, bye, bye
Now we're saying
Bye, bye, bye
I was nineteen
(Call me)
I felt you in my life
Before I ever thought to
Feel the need to lay down
Beside you
And tell you
I feel you in my heart,
And I don't even know you
And now we're saying
Bye, bye, bye
Now we're saying
Bye, bye, bye
I was nineteen
(call me)
I was nineteen
(call me)
Flew home,
Back to where we met
Stayed inside
I was so upset
Cooked up a plan,
So good except
I was all alone
You were all I had
Love you
You were all mine
Love me
I was yours right
I was yours right
I was nineteen
(call me)
I was nineteen
(call me)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coachella 2009

HOLY FUCKN SHIT was it a good time.
The really good thing is that everyone who was there with us were dope as hell...
there was no complaining, no one who wasn't down to something someone else wanted to do.. no fights, no injuries... it was a perfect weekend.

Pretty much alll bands we wanted to see put on a damn good show!

Franz Ferdinand was by far my favorite performance!
they delivered!

The presets were next and they were absolutely worth the sweating and getting elbowed lmao.
not bad for a band i had no idea about.

Everyone out there was so free spirited... im talking Guys in banana hammocks, girls wearing dental floss and still jumping like a maniac!

The only sucky part was being constantly stuck to the person next to you while waiting for a good band to start because of all the sweat... but waiting was well worth it! even though the longest we waited for a band to start was like an hour...

Back to this hell hole and ready to continue my search for a damn job...
Let's cross our fingers....


Monday, April 13, 2009

Real Eyes::Realize::Real Lies

This has nothing to do with anything currently going on... But just writing bout it all.

Real eyes can see the HURT the body feels.
can see the TRUTH in the story, perceived directly by the eye itself.
can UNDOUBTEDLY notice all aspects in love... wether it be good or bad.

realize...To know and understand something.
when something doesn't go as expected or as hoped... you seek advice and slowly but surley begin to REALIZE what a metaphor [LOVE] Can be. or anything else for that matter.

real lies are what i believe to be lies that can hurt so bad, so bad that you might as well stabb a knife through your back... litterally. the kind of lie you hear and your heart drops in an instant.
The feeling of "happiness" "Laughter" "Love" and maybe even "abundant eagerness " are just something you used to feel. I mean is there such thing as a "good lie?"

All these are just thoughts that run through my head and wether or not it makes sense to anyone... i know what IM saying! ahaha

I love my faves!!
and YES selena you are definately one of our faves!:)
[barely noticed a comment from u sry]


Cause We're Doooown!

My Loves!!

(Some of them)

Video Shot By:

the wonderful ♥Brittanaaaay!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is IT Wrong????


Is it wrong to be friends with ppl who keep a positive impact in your life

When others see a different side, only because of the fact that they weren't invited in?

its it wrong to love someone?
someone others may not be so crazy about??

Is it wrong to want what i want anyway..?
just because someone says i SHOULDNT want it?

Is it wrong to feel happy with one person?
Even though some ppl dont support.

Is it wrong to NOT care and go for it anyway.?

Is it wrong to believe your own befiefs about certain situations??

Is it wrong to cut the cord yourself?
or do the parents really have to be ready to cut it??

Is it wrong to be free in life?

Is it wrong to tell people how they should feel, act, dress, date, etc.??

Is it wrong for people to change, after realizing what wrong he or she has done.

Is it wrong ??? Is it???

seriously, In MY OPINION, i think people need to just grow up and get over shit!
Its a really good thing to be your own person and make your OWN decisions!

so don't try to make me feel, think, and act the way YOU think is right.

Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It's amazing how many different songs can relate to what shitty situation you're in.
And exciting situations for that matter...

Wether it be a slow Or heck even a movie star can say one little quote that just might get you thinkin...anything can relate.
just proof that stars really are human...

certain songs really get me.. and its funny sometimes its the songs i dont hear often..In some ways purposly just so that when i do finally hear it.. it comes on at exactly the right moment..
and often leads to a smile on my face.

My faveorite songs are the kind that tell a story.. i know ALL songs tell a story.. but some really get into detail when u can litterally van vision what they are talking about.

Idk... Those kind of things you just cant look past, no matter what it may be.

Music is my most favorite form of poetry..


Some Things...<3


Some Things just arent as they should be.

Some Things would be different if what was meant to be said...was said OUT LOUD.

Some Things Are NEVER perfect, but at times can make your day just that much better.

Some Things, oh how i wish some things were alright now.

Some Things have their ways around fate.

Some Things go wrong, but it is up to us to make them right!.

Some Things can make your life...

Some Things can take your life.

Some things are better left unsaid.

SOME things work out for the better...
(so i've heard.)

Some Things I wish I've never done...

Some Things I wish I HAD...

Some Things I LOVE!

And SOme Things I HATE..

...I need Some Things In My life....


Friday, February 27, 2009

Deal With It!!

I've decided this year is gonna be great!

I have had TOO much on my mind:<

Never really get over the DUMB shit! Just keep holding on.


Haven't had the best of luck in the trust department and now officially know who i CAN trust... for the most part. I have lost trust with a few ppl wether they know it of not!

I LOVE MY FAVES. they are awesome!

If I could go back a couple years i would definately change some things...
but who would'nt right??

Then again it has been proven to me that everything happens for a reason, and if i were to go back and change things i probably wouldn't have met the people i did....

*They're keepers:)

Cheers to a new year,,,, new friends,,,, new loves,,, and New Memories!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beautiful song!!


There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rest In Peace....


All day long i have been hearing about how VICTOR SANCHEZ passed away and i just could not picture his face in my head.I just barely found out EXACTLY who it was and it is unreal.

I was not a "CLOSE FRIEND" of victors but i definately knew who he was.It's a shame how quick your life can go and without warning.My heart goes out to his family and friends who are in mourning.

Why is it times like these when you really learn to appreciate what u have....He will never be forgotten...

R.I.P Victor.

Monday, January 26, 2009


"Forgiveness Is The Fragrance The Violet Sheds On The Heel That Has Crushed It."
-Mark Twain.

One of my all time favorite quotes!!!
It definitely moves me and describes a feeling that we all have experienced
at least once in our lives.

It's a beautiful quote~

Looking Back.....

I always look back to the good times i have had. I can honestly say that I have had a lot of fun during my teen years. I have met some awesome people and done some pretty extream things. I have also been through bad things. things that can be fixed and things that can't. but I am extreamly thankful to have the family and friends i have, because without them I would not be the person I am today.

Certain people have made a BIG impact in my life and I love them to death. They will ALWAYS be apart of my life no matter what people say. They know who they are. We have been thru a lot. Being there when their baby was born to being there when there's no words, just tears. you always know who your true friends are when they sit with you for hours while you cry without even knowing the reason for so many tears. Instead of asking simply "what happened?" They ask "who's ass am i kicking?" Those are the best.

I love Not knowing what's gonna happen next, is always exciting for me. I go with the flow and just hope for the best. But at the same time it's extreamly frustrating when all you want are the answers and recieve nothing. you are told to "wait" and when waiting for so long gets you nowhere.... It seems like it was just time wasted. It sucks when you want something so bad that you could do anything to get it but fail. That's when you realize that words are SHIT, nothing but a form of fabrication in disguise. But you can't live life thinking that nothing and no one can be trusted...that will just lead to a lonely and confused life.All in all i regret very few things in my life. I'm ready to be the person I am destined to be...Whoever that is.