Monday, January 26, 2009

Looking Back.....

I always look back to the good times i have had. I can honestly say that I have had a lot of fun during my teen years. I have met some awesome people and done some pretty extream things. I have also been through bad things. things that can be fixed and things that can't. but I am extreamly thankful to have the family and friends i have, because without them I would not be the person I am today.

Certain people have made a BIG impact in my life and I love them to death. They will ALWAYS be apart of my life no matter what people say. They know who they are. We have been thru a lot. Being there when their baby was born to being there when there's no words, just tears. you always know who your true friends are when they sit with you for hours while you cry without even knowing the reason for so many tears. Instead of asking simply "what happened?" They ask "who's ass am i kicking?" Those are the best.

I love Not knowing what's gonna happen next, is always exciting for me. I go with the flow and just hope for the best. But at the same time it's extreamly frustrating when all you want are the answers and recieve nothing. you are told to "wait" and when waiting for so long gets you nowhere.... It seems like it was just time wasted. It sucks when you want something so bad that you could do anything to get it but fail. That's when you realize that words are SHIT, nothing but a form of fabrication in disguise. But you can't live life thinking that nothing and no one can be trusted...that will just lead to a lonely and confused life.All in all i regret very few things in my life. I'm ready to be the person I am destined to be...Whoever that is.

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