Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is IT Wrong????


Is it wrong to be friends with ppl who keep a positive impact in your life

When others see a different side, only because of the fact that they weren't invited in?

its it wrong to love someone?
someone others may not be so crazy about??

Is it wrong to want what i want anyway..?
just because someone says i SHOULDNT want it?

Is it wrong to feel happy with one person?
Even though some ppl dont support.

Is it wrong to NOT care and go for it anyway.?

Is it wrong to believe your own befiefs about certain situations??

Is it wrong to cut the cord yourself?
or do the parents really have to be ready to cut it??

Is it wrong to be free in life?

Is it wrong to tell people how they should feel, act, dress, date, etc.??

Is it wrong for people to change, after realizing what wrong he or she has done.

Is it wrong ??? Is it???

seriously, In MY OPINION, i think people need to just grow up and get over shit!
Its a really good thing to be your own person and make your OWN decisions!

so don't try to make me feel, think, and act the way YOU think is right.

Thanks for reading...


A. said...

yikes does this have to do with what you mentioned yesterday? ]=

it's not wrong. it's just what makes you YOU. i love you kaka.<33

B. said...

aaaahhhh... NO ITS NOT WRONG.

like the song says "live YOUR life"

only YOU have to live it.... no one else.

I love my kaka face her decisions, right or wrong. thats how you grow! +)
